Data security is the protection of data from unauthorized access, which could lead to identity fraud and fraudulent credit card charges or privacy infringement. This involves encrypting data, using access control, and then implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive data such as passwords or personal identification numbers (PINs).
Privacy protection, on the other hand, concerns the right of an individual to control their personal information that is gathered and used, transferred, and shared. This includes the ability for users to request deletion, change or delete their personal information, and decide the way it’s used. It also requires compliance with laws such as GDPR and CCPA.
Both are essential to the success of an enterprise, despite the distinction between privacy and security. Trust in customers is at stake when companies compromise sensitive data and reveal sensitive information to unauthorised parties. Having a strong data privacy policy and procedure can reduce the number of breaches, and help companies to avoid costly fines, penalties, and lawsuits.
The first step to ensure the privacy and security of your data is to identify and categorize all of the sensitive information a company holds, including personally identifiable information (PII) and non-PII. Conducting formal risk assessments and regular security audits can help with this process. Utilizing a data discovery tool can be a good method of determining the information available and how employees can access it. A policy framework that considers all aspects of an organization’s collection, storage, use and sharing of data could make data privacy and security easier to manage.